So remember how I said Absol Prime’s attack “Vicious Claw” was the perfect match with Mew Prime? Well, here is why: Mew Prime’s Poké-Body “Lost Link” lets it use any attack from any Pokémon in the Lost Zone! WHAT?! Yes, that is right, Mew Prime will be able to use any LV. Having no resistance sucks as it won’t be helping your Mew Prime live longer. Sure, Gengar is hitting you for weakness but they will 1HKO you regardless with “ Poltergeist”, and “ Shadow Room” is not affected by weakness. Mew Prime is Psychic typed with a x2 weakness to Psychic.

Its 60 HP is average for most Basics, but not good for the deck your about to witness. Mew Prime is also another Basic Pokémon but with a less desirable stat than Absol Prime. Also, Absol Prime is non-SP, which means it can’t use TGI Energy Gain so you need at least 2 turns to start attacking with Absol Prime. However, there are a few flaws, such as if you can’t Lost Zone a Pokémon you will do nothing. Potential to do 80 damage with special dark, which is the magic number to 1HKOing most Pokémon SP, which is great. Absol Prime, for 1 D Energy and 1 C Energy does 70 damage to the active if you Lost Zone a Pokémon from your hand with the attack “Vicious Claw”. His attack is what combos him so well with Mew Prime so well in fact that I call them the perfect couple.

This is a great Poké-Body as all of your opponent’s Pokémon will have 20 HP less unless it was put down on the bench by a Poké-Power, Poké-Body, or Trainer/Supporter/Stadium.

He has a Poké-Body named “Eye of Disaster” that, when your Absol Prime is active, puts 2 damage counters on your opponent’s basic Pokémon when they put it down. His -20 resistance to Psychic is good because of Gengar also. His x2 weakness to Fighting is whatever as he will get 1HKO’d by Donphan’s “Earthquake” or Machamp SF’s “Take Out”. One Retreat Cost is a bit saddening, but better than two. The Dark type is great as you will be hitting Gengar for their weakness. Let’s take a look at Absol Prime first: a basic Pokémon with 80 HP, which is great considering it is not an Pokémon SP.